JAMAICA | Get into the habit of recycling advises Senator Sophia Frazer Binns

KINGSTON, Jamaica, March 18, 2022 - The Peoples National Party is encouraging Jamaicans to get in the habit of recycling and recommit to the three (3) Rs: reducing, reusing, and recycling, which are necessary actions to reduce carbon emissions and limit the effects of climate change.
In a statement to mark Global Recycling Day 2022, Shadow Minister of Land Environment and Climate ChangeSenator Sophia Frazer Binns, took the opportunity to remind Jamaicans to:"reimagine and reorganize how we dispose of our waste".
"This year’s commemoration will highlight the unsustainability of our current waste disposal practices and will celebrate individuals who have been leading the charge in national recycling efforts, particularly in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic.
"Recycling involves the process of converting waste materials into something useful. It is economically and environmentally sustainable and mitigates against some of the effects of climate change. Discussions on climate change and environmental protection cannot be divorced from discussions on recycling. The more waste that is generated, the greater the intensity of the environmental threats. Experts have estimated that disposable waste which ranges from paper to glass bottles takes approximately 500 years to break down. That is twelve and a half generations.
"Jamaica has embarked on a number of initiatives to improve our recycling efforts in keeping with the UN Sustainable Development Goals 2030. Of note is the remedial work being undertaken at the Riverton City Disposal Site to rid the site of hazardous end-of-life tyres are which are now being converted into “raw materials for co-processing in cement kilns, in asphalt mix for road construction, as well as in the construction of sports grounds, playground surfaces, and artificial reefs.” These efforts will significantly impact the country’s adaptation efforts.
"As we celebrate Global Recycling Day 2022, we must salute our local Recycling Heroes Recycling Partners of Jamaica (RPJ) which plays a central role in educating the population and driving recycling campaigns. RPJ provides bins across the island to encourage proper garbage disposal; and Clean Harbours Jamaica Limited and partners, Grace Kennedy Foundation and Ocean Clean. Together, they work to prevent waste from entering Kingston Harbour.
"The COVID-19 pandemic has increased the amount of waste generated globally, as billions of medical waste, mostly single-use personal protective equipment (PPE), threatens the health of the environment. Here in Jamaica, the improper disposal of masks is presenting many challenges. We thank the men and women who work in garbage, waste collection, and disposal for their role in reducing the spread of COVID-19.
"As we mark this day, I encourage all Jamaicans to get in the habit of recycling. Let us recommit to the three (3) Rs: reducing, reusing, and recycling, which are necessary actions to reduce carbon emissions and limit the effects of climate change."