Opposition Concerned About Deteriorating Hospital Infrastructure And Patient Care Services

KINGSTON, Jamaica. December 5, 2022. The Opposition People's National Party (PNP) Spokesman on Health and Wellness, Dr. Morais Guy, MP, says he is deeply concerned about new reports emanating from some public hospitals indicating that there is a state of continued decline in patient care, service quality and maintenance of an already ageing infrastructure.

The Opposition Spokesman said, “the Health Minister must ensure that the appropriate administrative and governance arrangements are maintained in all hospitals to deliver modern healthcare services”.
Dr Guy referenced the Bustamante Hospital for Children where reports of poor patient care and client mistreatment have surfaced, with no appropriate response from the Ministry.
“When complaints such as these emanate from public institutions, the Minister cannot wash his hands, but must take steps to assure the people of Jamaica that their public health institutions can provide proper care and attention,” he said.
Additionally, Dr. Guy noted that he was very concerned about a revealing newspaper report over the weekend which detailed unsanitary conditions in many of the fourteen hospitals and health centres recently surveyed.
The report highlighted dirty bathrooms, missing toilet seats, wet floors, broken tiles and unpleasant odours as some of the infractions. He said these conditions pose a health risk and, therefore, require immediate attention from the Minister and his team at the Ministry’s head office.
The Opposition Spokesperson said the awful conditions could not be blamed on hospital administrations and janitorial services because their persistence reveals that the system is rotting at its core and the Boards should have been aware of the health hazards in these institutions over which they have charge.
Dr. Guy is calling on the Minister to get the appropriate funding for immediate maintenance work and to ensure trained staff as poor service quality is affecting all Jamaicans, particularly those who cannot afford private health care.