JAMAICA |PNP Senator Janice Allen Stage Successful Energy Town Hall in MoBay

MONTEGO BAY, Jamaica. January 19, 2025. Residents of Cornwall Court, Farm Heights, Green Pond, and neighbouring communities in Montego Bay, turned out in impressive numbers last Thursday for an engaging and highly successful Energy Town Hall hosted by MP Candidate for St James Central, Senator Janice Allen.
The event, held in Cornwall Court, featured special guest Shadow Minister for Energy, Phillip Paulwell. He provided insights into the People’s National Party’s vision for a transformed energy sector, designed to lower electricity costs for all Jamaicans.
Community members widely praised the town hall as a refreshing and much-needed initiative, commending the open dialogue and direct interaction with leadership. Many attendees expressed appreciation for the opportunity to voice their concerns and hear clear, actionable solutions to Jamaica’s energy challenges.
In his keynote address, Phillip Paulwell outlined the PNP’s bold five-point strategy to revolutionise the energy sector under a future PNP government:
- Legislative Reforms for LNG Competition – Introducing competition in the Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) market to drive down costs.
- JPS Licence Renegotiation – Pursuing consumer-friendly terms when the Jamaica Public Service (JPS) licence expires in 2027.
- Oil and Gas Exploration – Leveraging local resources to reduce reliance on costly imports.
- Micro Solar Grids for Underserved Communities – Expanding renewable energy access through innovative microgrid solutions supported by the Hedge Fund, tackling electricity theft in the process.
- Massive Solar Power Expansion – Adding 200 MW of solar energy to the national grid and incentivising households to adopt rooftop solar systems, enabling surplus energy contributions to the grid.
Paulwell emphasised that these measures are rooted in the principle of “Power to the People,” with the ultimate goal of ensuring every Jamaican has access to affordable, reliable, and sustainable energy.
Senator Janice Allen, in her remarks, reaffirmed her commitment to putting the community first, declaring this event as the first in a series of town halls aimed at presenting the PNP’s solutions to critical issues such as Security, Education, Housing, and Health.
“This is what leadership should look like—listening to the people, engaging them directly, and delivering real solutions that improve lives,” Allen stated.